This service is ongoing and plays a vital role in the effective integration of new arrivals to the city. ANM continues to provide information, advice, befriending, and advocacy on a range of different issues such as Housing, Welfare Benefits, Debt, Health, Education and Immigration. We work in partnership with other statutory and voluntary agencies and refer our clients as necessary. Asylum seekers and refugees encounter a wide range of problems both during and after the processing of their asylum claim. At All Nations Ministries, specialist advisors provide assistance with issues surrounding housing, financial support, legal services, health, education and help our clients to engage in cultural and sporting activities. We are authorised to give general advice and information on immigration in Level 1 and 2 issues in line with OISC guidelines.

All Nations Ministries has worked in partnership with a number of statutory and voluntary agencies, including, Devon and Cornwall Refugee Support, Police Diverse Communities Team and Plymouth Racial Equality Council, MP’s As an important part of our work with refugees and asylum seekers arriving in Plymouth for the first time, we can offer a Translation/Interpreting and Befriending service, which helps to ensure that they feel less socially isolated and facilitates their integration into the local community. We can arrange accompanied GP/hospital visits where necessary an signpost individuals to the most suitable agency for their needs. All the services offered are free and confidential. We are able to provide our Translation and Interpreting service in a range of languages including French, Portuguese, Swahili, Lingala, Kirundi, Kinya-rwanda, Kiganda and English. The past year has seen a growing demand for both our Translating and Interpreting skills and we have been regularly approached to provide translated material for official purposes in relation to our clients and others by a local firm of solicitors specialising in Immigration Law. usually within 48 hours, to 70 people.

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